APOG Installation

This weekend was our opportunity to set up the VIXToscope for real at our wonderful Northwest arts & music event, Any Patch of Grass (http://apog.life). I'm very thankful to have had the opportunity to exhibit - it was a fantastic event, with a high density of really cool, chill local creators, supportive people and really bumpin' music. The organizers were great, it was a…

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LED Production Prototypes

We're finally at the stage of committing to actual physical hardware, things that are going to be part of the finished VIXToscope... but we're still transitioning to the stage of having high confidence that the designs translate to physical reality and buying lots of production things. This is a critical milestone where we move beyond POC (Proof of Concept -- "yes, we see a…


LED Hubs

All these LEDs on the outside have to be powered and managed by something on the inside. Kevin and I have settled on a 'Hub' design where each hub consists of a PSU (Power Supply Unit) supplying 5 volts, and an ESP32 controller running WLED firmware. These hubs will take in 120 volts + Ethernet, and will emit 5 volt power + control signals…


LED Power Budgets

Getting close to ordering stuff for the VIXToscope! Kevin has done some helpful proofs-of-concept, driving addressable LEDs via an ESP32 + WLED software from the Resolume ArtNet output, and we now need to transition to doing production builds of the actual strips and panels. One of the most vital things is to fit within the total power budget, and here's where I'm starting to…


LED Engineering

I am very gratified to have someone volunteer to help on the LED engineering -- thanks Kevin! We might need some more people to help build the LED assemblies, but its great to have someone already looking at the engineering aspects. I only have a loose idea about what I want, but its basically a big triangle of LEDs in the middle of each…


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